Check the readiness of your technology solution for Commercialisation by answering the questions below. "*" indicates required fields TRL 1: Basic principles observed and reported. Scientific research begins to be translated into applied research and development. This is the exploration of the technology’s basic properties.Do rough calculations support the concept?* Yes No N/A Do basic principles (physical, chemical, mathematical) support the concept?* Yes No N/A Do paper studies confirm basic scientific principles of new technology?* Yes No N/A Has a scientific methodology or approach been developed?* Yes No N/A Minimum target/threshold not yet reached: Your technology development has not yet reached the recommended minimum threshold for commercialisation, which is the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 3: Proof of Concept. Consequently, there is a high risk for you if you continue to follow the Commercialisation PLUS process at this stage. You should consider focusing your future activities on further developing your research rather than progressing Commercialisation PLUS activities. Go back to your Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment for this question and answer ‘No’Congratulations, you have achieved at least 50% for this Technology Readiness Level (TRL). This indicates your research results identify the principles that underline the concept/idea. Continue to the questions for TRL 2.Click on the 'Next' button to fill out details to email your results to yourself. TRL 2: Technology concept and/or application formulated. The potential application of your research is still speculative and is inferred from the general assumptions or some of the analytical data.Have paper studies confirmed system or component application feasibility?* Yes No N/A Has an apparent design solution been identified?* Yes No N/A Have the basic components of the technology been identified?* Yes No N/A Have technology or system components been at least partially characterised?* Yes No N/A Does preliminary analysis confirm basic scientific principles?* Yes No N/A Minimum target/threshold not yet reached: Your technology development has not reached the recommended minimum threshold for commercialisation - TRL 3: Proof of Concept. Consequently, there is a high risk for you to follow the Commercialisation PLUS process at this stage. You should consider focusing your future activities on further developing your research rather than progressing Commercialisation PLUS activities. Go back to your Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment for this question and answer ‘No’Congratulations, you have achieved at least 60% for this Technology Readiness Level (TRL). This indicates your research results identify the principles that underline the concept / idea. Continue to TRL level 3 questions.Click on the 'Next' button to fill out details to email your results to yourself. TRL 3: Proof-of-concept achieved. Analytical and experimental studies are performed on a lab scale to validate analytical predictions. Work is done on various components of the potential technology (which are not yet integrated). The critical question is “What is required for this technology to meet the real world application’s requirements?”. Do experiments verify feasibility of application of technology?* Yes No N/A Do experiments or modeling and simulation (M&S) validate performance predictions of technology capability?* Yes No N/A Do paper studies indicate that technology or system components can be integrated?* Yes No N/A Has scientific feasibility of proposed technology been fully demonstrated?* Yes No N/A Does analysis of present technologies show that proposed technology or system fills a gap?* Yes No N/A Minimum target/threshold not yet reached: Your technology development has not reached the recommended minimum threshold for commercialisation - TRL 3: Proof of Concept. Consequently, there is a high risk for you to follow the Commercialisation PLUS process at this stage. You should consider focusing your future activities on further developing your research rather than progressing Commercialisation PLUS activities. Go back to your Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment for this question and answer ‘No’Congratulations, you have achieved at least 60% for this Technology Readiness Level (TRL). This indicates your technology development has reached the minimum threshold for commercialisation. Your experimental data, measured parameters of interest are comparable to the analytical predictions.It is a good time to start engaging with the market to assess relevance and inform further development of your technology solution. Following the Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment will support these requirements. You can either return to the Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment question and answer ‘Yes’ to start your commercialisation journey, or continue to answer questions here to better understand the TRL for your technology solution.Click on the 'Next' button to fill out details to email your results to yourself. TRL 4: Early stage prototype developed. In a laboratory/research environment, basic technological components are integrated and tested to demonstrate they will work together. This is relatively ‘low fidelity’ compared to the eventual real world environment.Has testing of individual components been performed?* Yes No N/A Has performance of components and interfaces between components been demonstrated?* Yes No N/A Does technology demonstrate basic functionality in simplified environment?* Yes No N/A Have performance characteristics been demonstrated in a laboratory environment?* Yes No N/A Have low-fidelity assessments of system integration and engineering been completed?* Yes No N/A Your answers suggest you have achieved 40% or below for this Technology Readiness Level (TRL).This indicates your prototype has been tested in a laboratory or research environment and results are not yet comparable with the performance goals. As you start to engage with the market to assess relevance continue testing your prototype and continue its development. Return to the Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment question and answer ‘Yes’ to start this journey.Congratulations, your answers indicate you have achieved at least 60% for this Technology Readiness Level (TRL). This indicates your technology solution has gone beyond the minimum threshold of TRL 3. Your prototype has been tested in a laboratory or research environment and results are comparable with the performance goals. It is a good time to start engaging with the market to assess relevance and inform further development of your technology solution. Following the Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment will support these requirements. You can either return to the Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment question and answer ‘Yes’ to start your commercialisation journey, or continue to answer questions here to better understand the TRL for your technology solution.Click on the 'Next' button to fill out details to email your results to yourself. TRL 5: Late stage protype developed. The basic technological components are integrated with reasonably realistic supporting elements for testing in a simulated (real-world) environment to identify barriers/issues to real-world application.Can all system specifications be simulated and validated within a laboratory environment?* Yes No N/A Is the laboratory environment high-fidelity (similar to final product ready for real world)?* Yes No N/A Have individual component functions been verified through testing?* Yes No N/A Have objective and threshold operational requirements been developed?* Yes No N/A Has a Product Breakdown Structure been developed?* Yes No N/A Your answers suggest you have achieved 40% or below for this Technology Readiness Level (TRL). This indicates your prototype has been tested in a simulated real-world environment and results are not yet comparable with the desired performance goals. Development work is still needed. We recommend that you work to undertake Commercialisation PLUS activities and continue testing your prototype in parallel to develop a fit for market product or service. Return to the Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment question and answer ‘Yes’ to start your commercialisation journey.Congratulations, you have achieved at least 60% for this Technology Readiness Level (TRL). This indicates your technology development has reached well beyond the minimum threshold of TRL 3. The results of your testing in the simulated environment have identified the barriers, as well as the strategies to overcome them, to achieve the necessary target performance in a real-world environment. Starting the Commercialisation PLUS process is becoming critical to ensure that the development of your technology solution considers the needs of end users and customers. Following the Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment will support these requirements.Either return to the Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment question and answer ‘Yes’ to start your commercialisation journey, or continue to answer questions here to better understand the TRL for your technology solution. Click on the 'Next' button to fill out details to email your results to yourself. TRL 6: Simulated environment pilot. The basic technological components are integrated with reasonably realistic supporting elements for testing in a simulated (real-world) environment to identify barriers/issues to real world application.Is the operational environment for product fully known?* Yes No N/A Have performance characteristics been identified and verified in a simulated operational (real-world) environment?* Yes No N/A Has prototype been tested in a simulated operational (real world) environment in the laboratory based on the performance characteristics?* Yes No N/A Has system been tested in realistic control environment outside the laboratory?* Yes No N/A Has feasibility been fully demonstrated?* Yes No N/A Your answers suggest you have achieved 40% or below for this Technology Readiness Level (TRL). This indicates your prototype has been tested in a simulated real-world environment however results are not yet comparable with the desired performance goals. Development work is still needed. We recommend that you undertake Commercialisation PLUS activities and continue testing your prototype in parallel to develop a “fit for market” product or service. Return to the Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment question and answer ‘Yes’ to start your commercialisation journey.Congratulations, you have achieved at least 60% for this Technology Readiness Level (TRL). This indicates your technology development has reached well beyond the minimum threshold of TRL 3. The results of your testing in the simulated environment have identified the barriers, as well as the strategies to overcome them, to achieve the necessary target performance in a real-world environment. Starting the Commercialisation PLUS process is becoming critical to ensure that the development of your technology solution considers the needs of end users and customers. Following the Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment will support these requirements. Either return to the Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment question and answer ‘Yes’ to start your commercialisation journey, or continue to answer questions here to better understand the TRL for your technology solution.Click on the 'Next' button to fill out details to email your results to yourself. TRL 7: Operational environment demonstration. The technology solution is demonstrated in an actual operating environment (e.g. in the field, with a customer or with an end-user), to identify any performance issues that need to be addressed in further development.Has technology been tested individually under stressed and anomalous conditions?* Yes No N/A Has technology or system been tested in a relevant real world environment?* Yes No N/A Are components materials achieving consistent performance (i.e working) in real life conditions?* Yes No N/A Supporting processes and procedures to operationalise technology / system in real world have been tested and completed* Yes No N/A Has fully integrated prototype been demonstrated in actual real world operational environment?* Yes No N/A Your answers suggest you have achieved 40% or below for this Technology Readiness Level (TRL). This indicates that while you have undertaken practical demonstrations of your technology solution in actual operating environments, the level of performance observed is not yet comparable with the desired performance goals. Refinement is still needed. We recommend that you undertake further Commercialisation PLUS activities and continue testing your prototype in parallel to develop a “fit for market” product or service. Return to the Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment question and change your answer ‘Yes’ to start your commercialisation journey. Congratulations, based on your answers you have achieved at least 60% for this Technology Readiness Level (TRL). This indicates your technology development has reached well beyond the minimum threshold of TRL 3. The practical demonstrations in actual operating environments have identified the barriers, as well as the strategies to overcome them, to achieve the necessary target performance in a real-world environment. Starting the Commercialisation PLUS process is becoming critical to ensure that the development of your technology solution considers the needs of end users and customers. Following the Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment will support these requirements. Either return to the Commercialisation PLUS readiness assessment question and answer ‘Yes’ to start this journey or continue to answer questions to understand the TRL for your technology solution. Click on the 'Next' button to fill out details to email your results to yourself. TRL 8: Final testing and evaluation (first commercialisation). Testing and demonstrations proves the technology solution works in its final form and under expected conditions.Are all technology/system components form, fit, and function compatible?* Yes No N/A Has technology/system form, fit, and function been demonstrated in operational (real-world) environment?* Yes No N/A Is technical Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E)(1) successfully completed?* Yes No N/A Your answers suggest you have achieved 33% or below for this final Technology Readiness Level (TRL). This indicates your technology solution needs some minor adjustments to meet performance expectations, yet it is beyond the point that pursing the Commercialisation PLUS process would be beneficial. Go back to your Commercialisation PLUS readiness Assessment and answer ‘Not Applicable’. Congratulations, your answers have indicated you have achieved at least 66% for this final Technology Readiness Level (TRL). This is the final TRL. Your technology solution has moved beyond the point that pursing the Commercialisation PLUS process would be beneficial. Reports from real-world application, including customer feedback indicate that the technology solution is meeting performance expectations. Go back to your Commercialisation PLUS Readiness Assessment and answer ‘Not Applicable’. Click on the 'Next' button to fill out details to email your results to yourself. TRL 9: Successful deployment (Full scale commercialisation). The technology solution is applied in its final form, in real-life conditions or in market.Has technology/system has been deployed in intended operational (realworld) environment?* Yes No N/A Has technology/system been fully demonstrated?* Yes No N/A Has Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) been successfully completed?* Yes No N/A Your answers suggest you have achieved 33% or below for this final TRL level. This indicates your technology solution has some minor adjustments to meet performance expectations but it is beyond the point that pursing the Commercialisation PLUS process would be beneficial. Go back to your Commercialisation PLUS readiness Assessment and answer ‘Not Applicable’.Congratulations, your answers have indicated you have achieved at least 66% for this TRL level. This is the final TRL. Your technology solution has moved beyond the point that pursing the Commercialisation PLUS process would be beneficial. Reports from real world application, including customer feedback indicate that the technology solution is meeting performance expectations. Go back to your Commercialisation PLUS readiness Assessment and answer ‘Not Applicable’.Once you have finished the question above, please click on the 'Next' button to email your results to yourself. EmailEnter your email address for the results to be emailed to you. 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